Fixing Drama
When there’s drama in my life I know that I’m out of balance. I don’t sit around doing the blame game (at least not for very long ….) Instead I go within and look for answers to my problems. I sit still with no noise, I meditate, I write everything out in my journal, I hang in nature, I reflect. When it all gets too much instead of focusing on a solution, or trying to fix a problem I try to love myself. Some days I have to fake it until I make it. But when I take the time to be kind to myself, and restore myself I find that positive solutions come easily. I’m not reacting out of fear or anger. I’m listening to my heart, and then I’m honouring my heart by taking action. So today I find my bliss by letting go of big life decisions, and I go within where my peace is. Have a wonderful day xo
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