Connecting with the stillness within creates miracles
For me Spirituality is living consciously, and kindly in each and every moment. As I start the day I always take a moment to just sit quietly. I have a hot cup of freshly made decaffeinated coffee at hand. The aroma makes my heart sing. The taste so rewarding. As I sit listening to the spirit of life, the spirit of me, which is two of the same, I become more of me. I become aligned with my hearts desire. Who I truly am fills my life with grace. When I do this I notice the synchronicities that effortlessly occur. The simple miracles that bless my life. Although the lessons are still there to be learned, and their are challenges to be had, the struggle is released. I am free. So this day I find my bliss by taking the time to be centred in me, in my own peace, in my own life purpose.
Wishing you a wonderful day filled with many miracles.
Take care xo
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